
Men's Hair Services In Paducah Ky

Hair Services for Men In Western Kentucky

70% of men are experiencing baldness. This is sometimes tough for  men since some believe, a full head of hair is associated with courage, virility, youth, and strength. Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness is responsible for the greater part of hair loss in men and usually characterized with a receding hair line and thinning crown. This typically progresses to significant baldness throughout the entire top of the scalp, leaving a horseshoe pattern of hair remaining in the more advanced stages of male pattern baldness.

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Common Causes of Hair Loss 

There are many causes for male hair loss. Some will work out over time and will go back to normal but many require treatment. 


  • Illness – Serious diseases can cause temporary or permanent hair loss.


  • Reaction to certain medication – The most common is medication for treating cancer.


  • Stress – Stress and anxiety can stop or slow androgen production, which will shrink the hair follicle and cause thinning.


  • Heredity – most hair loss in men is caused due to heredity. Men who experience male pattern baldness have inherited a genetic aversion to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hair follicles that are affected by DHT begin to shrink. In time, these follicles stop producing hair.




This is a highly natural graft technology for men suffering from hair loss. It is entirely made of human hair and looks and feels just like your own hair. The exceptional implantation techniques make it appear as if each separate hair is rooted in the scalp as natural hair growth does.


  • Edge plus hair replacement
  • Technograft
  • Bella Mode Hair Systems


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